Coupled Microstrip Analysis/Synthesis Calculator

[Coupled Microstrip Cross-section]
Zeven = 98.6046 [ohm]
Zodd = 47.2301 [ohm]
Z0 = 68.243 [ohm]
coupling = 0.352278 [-]
coupling = -9.06228 [dB]
keven = 3.63261 [-]
kodd = 2.98026 [-]
Even mode Loss = 0.0808908
Odd mode Loss = 0.0740294
Even mode Loss/len = 0.0808908 /
Odd mode Loss/len = 0.0740294
Skin depth = 0.080893
Delay = 0.153685
Even mode delta L = 24.9826
Odd mode delta L = 11.6418
Metal width (W)
Trace spacing (S)
Trace length (L)
Metal thickness (Tmet)
Metal resistivity (Rho) -
Metal surface roughness (Rgh) -RMS
Substrate thickness (H)
Substrate relative dielectric constant (er)
Substrate loss tangent (tand)
Z0/k even/odd
Characteristic Impedance [ohms]
Coupling Coefficient [-]
Even Mode Impedance [ohms]
Odd Mode Impedance [ohms]
Electrical Length [degrees]

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$Id: coupled_microstrip.html,v 1.16 2009/02/11 00:00:28 dan Exp $
Copyright © 2001-2009 Dan McMahill. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
mcmahill at alumD0TmitD0Tedu
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This CGI program makes use of the CGIC library which carries the following copyright.

CGIC, copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc.. Permission is granted to use CGIC in any application, commercial or noncommercial, at no cost. HOWEVER, this copyright paragraph must appear on a "credits" page accessible in the public online and offline documentation of the program. Modified versions of the CGIC library should not be distributed without the attachment of a clear statement regarding the author of the modifications, and this notice may in no case be removed. Modifications may also be submitted to the author for inclusion in the main CGIC distribution.